Ergonomic Desk Accessories 101

Whether you’re still in the office or you’ve been tasked with working remotely from home, there’s a lot to take on board when it comes to workstation set up. Ergonomic desk accessories can help you to be comfortable and productive wherever you are. Perhaps more importantly, choosing the right accessories and using them correctly can … Read more

What is Office Ergonomics?

Ergonomics as a general term is primarily concerned with how we go about our jobs within the working environment. It takes into consideration what our duties and responsibilities are, the equipment we use in order to fulfil our job role and the surroundings within which we work. So what is office ergonomics? Different industries and … Read more

Is A Standing Desk Good For You?

Unless you’ve been hiding in a cave, you’re no doubt aware of the buzz going down about standing up more at work. Evidence indicates that increased sedentary behaviour – i.e. sitting for extended periods – may be linked to a number of physical and psychological health issues. Hence, the growing popularity of the standing desk … Read more